When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe”
— John Muir
Each stage of life, from birth to death, is unique and valuable. Moving through these stages, we sometimes encounter challenges beyond our own capacity and need to reach out for help. I believe we all have the capacity to recover and learn about ourselves from our most challenging experiences.
My approach to therapy reflects who I am - eclectic. I enjoy working with people of all ages and in all life stages. I aim to create a collaborative environment that is safe, respectful, and open-minded. Leading with compassion, curiosity, and warmth, allows me to meet you where you are and offer appropriate guidance through the distress that you are experiencing.
My education, clinical and life experiences are the foundation of my approach to the therapeutic process. I was raised by a hospice social worker who introduced me to death and dying and the grieving process at a young age. From this understanding of the cycle of life and the connection of pain and healing, I developed an existential perspective. Finding purpose and meaning is essential to directing one’s life trajectory and discovering contentment.
I began my formal training in the psychology field with a focus in psychodynamic and attachment-based theory. This informs the basis of my work - that the therapist-client relationship is the most important factor in healing. It is through this relationship, when you are listened to deeply, empathized with, understood and validated, that insight can be developed, learning can occur and healing will follow. I believe that looking toward your past at your family structure, your early relationships and significant life events both positive and negative, will help you gain awareness of who you are and how you process internal and external experiences. I also believe we all have emotions that exist outside of our conscious awareness that drive our behaviors. Uncovering these things will lead to a deeper understanding of yourself.
Later in my career, through my work as a trauma therapist and through my own healing and growth, I found that utilizing mindfulness and cognitive behavioral approaches enhanced the healing process. Having a sense of the interactions of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, can better equip your ability to intervene when they are not serving you anymore. Bringing mindfulness into your life - the ability to BE in the present moment with acute awareness and acceptance without judgment, can enhance focus, positive mood states, energy, and also decrease stress and negative emotions.
I also utilize hypnotherapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) in my therapy practice. Hypnosis is a trance-like state that creates an awareness of your unconscious and provides an opportunity for you to tap into your inner resources. EMDR is a research-based treatment for trauma that utilizes bilateral stimulation (eye movements, alternating sounds or taps) while processing images, memories, feelings, thoughts and body sensations. This stimulation paired with processing the traumatic event and holding a positive self-statement releases trapped emotions which allows them to become less disturbing. The client has full control of this treatment and can stop whenever they want to.
Using a diverse approach to healing allows me to meet you where you are and tailor a treatment plan that best fits your individual needs. It is a privilege to support people through the growth and healing process and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.